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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Truth About Holiday Eating

Hello everyone it’s that time again for us to talk about the ins and outs of dieting. I bet everyone has just gotten done with Thanksgiving and all that tempting food involved. Lets go over a couple ways to avoid those extra 5lbs of dead, unwanted weight.

That is unless you’re like me and eat as much as your stomach can fit during the off-season. I normally get to about 205, which is 30 lbs over my competition weight of 175-176 at show time. So there is a lot of room in this belly and as they say a lot of junk in the truck. But you better believe this is gone when I finish dieting for shows.

Here are some tips to avoid the potato chips and pre meal junk food usually passed around while sitting around the TV while watching football and listening to your in-laws say the same things over and over again! If you feel me out there give me a HELL YEAH!

If you have that choice opt to for the vegetables (such as carrots, broccoli, or celery) do it! Unsalted peanuts and cashews are also good. Most people serve the ones loaded with salt, which will affect your sodium levels so be mindful of that. It’s typical to bring a plate to whomever’s house you are celebrating with, so a great way to keep yourself on track is to bring a snack that fits your criteria to share with everyone.

Stay Hydrated
Drink lots of water or unsweetened iced tea between meals. The more you drink the less room you leave for garbage. This will also act as a mild diuretic and cause you to have several trips to the bathroom to relieve yourself of excess water. Not a bad thing at all. This will fill you up enough to eat just enough turkey, and side items to be polite and still maintain your diet.

Curb Your Appetite
If your sitting around and you know dinner won’t be served for a good 2-3 hrs and water isn’t doing the trick, take a New Whey Liquid Protein Vial. Slowly drink it before or while there. This will help curb your appetite and give you the proper nutrients you need for the day.

Portion Control
When you actually sit down and start to manhandle the food, I mean, serve your self, think of a hand full as the measuring stick. For example, the palm of your hand holds about 5-6 ounces. Measure the food by this. Now don’t reach into the mashed potato bowl and squeeze out a palm full! Do it visually. Limit the gravy to as little as possible and don’t soak your food.

Choose the Right Food
Eat as much vegetables as you want. It’s just roughage in the body and the vitamins and nutrients will be used up by the body and the rest will be discarded at a later time. It’s always better to load up on greens especially if you’re dieting. Remember those days way back when your mother use to yell at you to eat your vegetables so you’ll grow up to be big and strong!!! YEAH BULLSHIT. She should of said eat more protein and you'll grow up to bigger and stronger then the little boy down the road eating his vegetables. What I’m saying is, you need those veggies to be healthy and balanced, but to get big like me, protein is the way to go!

Sweet Tooth
Deserts. Yummy this is the best time around the table during the holidays. Look for something light like apple pie or fruit. This is a tough one to avoid so take smaller portions then you normally would especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

What are your favorite holiday snacks? I’m not talking about Twinkies and French fries, I’m want to know what healthy snacks keep you on track and what keeps you motivated during the holiday gluttony that goes on?

Until next time Truth Army!
-The Truth

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