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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Truth On Getting A Nasty Pump In Your Chest

To everyone and anyone, this is the king of all body parts on everyone’s mind. However you put it woman, men, kids, they all love BIG chests...myself included…on women. Now the question that always seems to come up is, “how much can you bench press?". It really goofs them up when I say I don’t even workout. Nah I’m joking but why the fascination with people and the bench-press? Because it represents power! Let me tell you, I have seen guys that weigh 150 bench double their weight and then some but they don’t even look like they train. This is why today we will start with some basic and advanced exercises for your chest.

Dumbbell flat press
This is great for that full chest stretch and builds the thickness needed in the quarter turns on stage or when you’re living up north and you have that nice turtle neck sweater on that fits tight on your chest and you walk threw the dance club fist pumping into the air. People will take notice of that size, trust me those boys from Jersey Shore GOT NOTHING ON ME. They just did their thing at the right time. The guys I grew up with in NY know what I am talking about. OK ENOUGH OF THIS YOU WILL DO, 1 WARM UP SET AND THEN DO 4-5 SETS OF 8-10 UNLESS YOU’RE TRAINING FOR THICKNESS THEN I WOULD DO 6-8 with a much heavier weight.

Incline Dumbbell Press
Same philosophy of the flat press but now the bench is on an angle to hit that upper MEATY PART of the chest right below the chin. This is a great feeling when you get that blood flow up into the meaty area. 1ST SET IS A WARMUP AND THEN PERFORM 3-4 SETS AGAIN 8-10 or 6-8.

Smith Machine
Go over to the Smith Machine and set up a flat bench under the bar. Then bring the bar directly down under your chin like doing a Bench Press but much higher up were the bar is literally rubbing across you chin on the way up and down. This exercise has to be performed carefully with less weight than you norally use so you don’t crush your Larynx on the way down. 3 SETS OF 15 REPS DOING THIS MOVE AND YOUR CHEST WILL BE ON FIRE FROM THE NASTY PUMP YOU’LL GET.

Cable Cross-Over
Do 15 reps again and squeeze the chest real tight as you cross over the front of your chest. I like to go nice and slow on this so ONCE AGAIN YOU GET THAT NASTY PUMP in the whole chest.

This whole exercise training for chest should take only about 45 minutes if you move threw it and don’t wave to everyone and stop and stare at all the woman or men (depending on your preference) in the cardio room sweating their a**es off and dripping all over as they pump and pump to the MUSIC BLARRING. YOU GUYS KNOW WHO YOU ARE AS YOU ARE CALLED PERVERT ROW. These are the machines in my gym that are lined up directly facing the cardio room as they perform their class. Dude! You cant imagine how packed this area is on SATURDAY. These people will never have the ability to join in with me and train. You all know who you are!!!

For the rest of you, let me know what you think. Give me some feedback!

The Truth 

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