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Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Truth on Bodybuilding Heros

The events and actions are real and aren’t make believe! Believe that!! I would like to start off with taking everyone back to my roots of Bodybuilding back when I was a little kid around the age of 16 or so, growing up in NY. My very first gym I trained at was a hardcore gym I think I mentioned before called Power Body And Fitness located about 1 hour outside the city in a small suburb called Beacon. This was the perfect hole in the wall where I learned everything about the art of bodybuilding and we had all kinds of guys training in there with me. Each year a bunch of us would take a train into the city to see the one time famous show thrown in New York City at the Beacon Hotel called The Night Of Champions. This was one of the greatest pro shows thrown at the time, where the likes of Rich Gaspari, Gary Strydom, Mike Ashley, Mike Chrisitianson and the great Lee Haney, etc. competed for a prize and the coveted title.

On the way to the show we would attend a seminar put on by the local World Gym in Westchester for a fee, which included guest speakers and an autograph picture session with some of our favorite bodybuilders at that time. They would discuss nutrition, weight lifting techniques and all that good stuff. One of my favorite guys was there with his girlfriend and I will never forget this moment I approached him and asked for a picture and autograph. I don’t know if he was carb depleted or just a dick but he kind of shunned me off and claimed he didn’t have time. WOW here is my idol and favorite bodybuilder at the time and he’s blowing me right out of the water (needless to say I won’t name him due to him owning a supplement company and I’m now friends with him) but damn he really deflated my bubble. So the smart ass that I am, I told him forget it (used different words I wont repeat) and pulled out my camera and thought of another great idea! I took a picture of his hot girlfriend’s GLUTEUS MAXIMAS area in her tight outfit. What the hell….that’s a better picture anyway, right? So I did it and got him fired up and he sure as hell paid attention to me then. He even tried to grab my camera from me as I hurried out the door of the gym and buddied up next to one of the local cops paid to do security at the event. Funny he couldn’t do shit as we flicked him off and jumped into the next cab to take us back to the train station and continue on our journey to the Night of Champions show, the next day!  What a story but needless to say he isn’t my favorite bodybuilder anymore to this day....

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