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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pre Show Preparation

Lets talk about the final preparation right before the show and weigh-ins. This is crunch time, and every second is crucial. After a few competitions every bodybuilder should have this part down. I personally make a check list and go thru it, making sure I have everything needed. Here's what my checklist looks like:

1. Lets start with the basics...posing trunks! Absolutely have to have these or you will be begging to use someones else's draws! Several years ago a guy in front of me showed up to the weigh-ins in joe boxer underwear. He rolled up the legs so they were tucked into the top and stepped onto the scale. The judge looked over and said "son are you ******* kidding me?! And gave him 10 minutes to find another suit but he couldn't so bye bye son. The moral of the story is always have a back up suit because you never know what could happen.

2. Your Music for the show. Once again always have a backup disc incase it breaks on the way or gets scratched. If not they will put whatever shitty music the dj grabs and you have to perform to it. Thank God this has never happened to me (knock on wood). That would suck.

3. Spray tanning appointment to get colored at the show. Unless you have your own tanning supplies and can do it yourself.

4. Sandals or flip flops.

5. Have food ready for the show. You need to carb up and have goodies to pump up back stage. I use Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, hamburgers, pizza, etc.

6. iPod. Definitely need this especially when there are 450 competitors in the show and I'm lying down on the floor for about 2-3 hrs before even going on. Sucks, so I need some form of entertainment.

7. SP are sheets to lie on in the hotel so you don't stain their sheets and then have to pay for them. Could be a very expensive lesson learned if you have a asshole manager at your hotel.

8. Make sure the hotel has a fridge in the room and microwave to cook in. I bring my rice cooker, George Foreman Grill, scale, measuring cup, etc.

9. Schedule of events so I don't miss weigh-ins or meetings and get disqualified. What a waste that would be huh?

10. Toiletries for after the show. I bring body cleanser, scrub, etc to clean myself off after winning the show and getting ready to fly home. Once again the tanning part is the nastiest part if you're not use to it. I don't rub my eyes, or sit down on the furniture because it will stain and smear all over on top of that nice sweat you incurred from the hard posing you just performed.

11. Pepto Bismol for after the show to ease my gut from eating everything in sight at an unbelievable rate. Last week I ate 3 double cheeseburgers, fries and a frosty for the ride home from FT Lauderdale and a lb and half of peanut M&M's. Later for dinner I had sushi and some chocolate chip ice cream to celebrate. Just one day and then it was right back to the diet for the Master's Nationals. My stomach swelled up like an Ethiopian child from those 10 cents a day commercials, who have nothing but rice in their little blown up bellies.

This should cover my final week and after show preparation list. I enjoy every moment and worked hard for that many weeks. I hope those of you out there competing do too. And remember...if it was easy everyone would do it! BUT THEY CANT!

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