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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Workout Wednesday: The Truth About How to Act at the Gym

I think we need to start with gym etiquette before we get into workout ideas and routines so you don’t get your heads ripped off by a guy like me who is totally into my routine and doesn’t have time for ignorance or stupidity. Some people don’t know better so if you’re one of those people learn now with five rules to live by at the gym:

Always bring your self a towel so you don’t sweat all over the equipment or on the bench. This is common courtesy that you would expect from your fellow humans. But there are the few who apparently think they don’t sweat and when they get up leave huge puddles of swamp ass on the seat or bench. Why?

Brush your teeth and spray some deodorant on before walking into this wonderful closed environment we call the "GYM" and I call HOME! You can say this too if you have trained as long as I have. My point being, I don’t go to your house and stink up your place so don’t do it in mine!

Now this one is one of the worst and I see it happen all the time. You happen to be using a piece of equipment or standing there doing an exercise and some nucklehead walks right up on top of you and invades your space! You look to your left and you look to your right and there is enough area to land a plane on but no…this person has to be in your lap. Again I ask myself why? Just remember to give your fellow gym rat the space needed to breath and you will never get that nasty- I am going to knock you out with my dumbbells look. It could save some of you your lives!

Next, please pick up your own weights and put them back were they belong. Unless you’re Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler you have no excuse to leave the weights or the equipment on the floor! I’m not your mommy or daddy who needs to clean up after you!

Last but not least, THIS IS FOR ALL THE GRUNTERS WHO YELL AND GROWL. If you are going to do this make sure you have more than 135 lbs. on the bench press brother if you’re going to have me and everyone else look at you- please...make it worth my time!

If you can follow these basic rules you are ready to work out. Has any of this stuff happened to any of you? If so, tell me about it. Also, leave me a comment with your gym etiquette peeves for those knuckleheads that don’t know. Until next time, chow.

The Truth

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