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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Truth About Sugar

Sugar is the #1 enemy in gaining that unwanted weight. Sugar controls our insulin levels
and in turn is what helps determine how much fat our bodies store or burn away. People who have quick metabolisms can get away with eating sugar because a lot of the time it is used as a form of energy and burned off walking, lifting, etc. While others store it as ass fat or belly fat.

If you slowly start to cut your sugars out and use sweeteners you will notice a dramatic change in your body as you progress.

Be careful, eating fruits that have natural sugars can raise your insulin levels quickly. Watermelon, red apples, grapes are all high in natural sugar so be aware of this when eating them. If you are going to eat fruits, I would do so early in the morning so this allows your body to use the energy throughout the day. Avoid juices such as orange juice, apple juice, etc. They are very high in sugars and are sometime added to make your taste buds water over them.

Cereals are loaded with sugar….nuff said. And its not you’re your Captain Crunch, Apple Jacks, Cocoa Crispies, its also the high in fiber, “healthy” cereals. The kids all love these and this is another good reason why America is the land of the FAT! It all starts with the kids and then continues as we get older. And good for you for making a change, just make sure its not propaganda you are buying into and check the label.

Yogurt. Sounds great huh? Grabbing a parfait to be proactive can actually be worse than you think because of sugars. The best way to go would be low-fat Greek Yogurt.

Jellys...everyone likes jelly on their toast but it’s no good. How many people you know put just one
spoonfull on their toast? More like 2-3 which is at least 45 grams of sugar to
start your day…way too much!
All this sugar will do is give you a giant rush and then in an hour or
two your body will become tired and crash.

Watch what you drink! You already know you should stay away from Pepsi and Coke, or so I hope, but also we aware of the alternatives. Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea has 22 grams of sugar and if you get a 16 oz can its just as much as a soda. The way to go is Diet and Unsweetened Teas, Crystal Light, Diet Coke or good old H2O. Once in a while we give into our temptations but it doesn’t have to be as bad as you think. Next time you stop by a 7/11 look for the new Crystal Light Slurpee and enjoy without the unnecessary sugar.

This week read labels and be mindful or your sugar intake, and you’ll quickly realize how much sugar you’re having without even realizing it. Also let me know what foods you use to eat without realizing its high sugar content and what you’ve replaced it with since.

-The Truth

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