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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Truth On Setting Goals

Here is something to think about as you take your training into the
 new year…set realistic goals!! Not some bullshit goals that you set
up for failure just to say I have goals. There are 4 steps I suggest you follow when setting up your new years resolutions and goals.

Set measurable goals:
When setting goals this new year you want to be able to measure your success, so if your goal is to lose weight, be specific and say I want to lose 10 pounds, or fit into my favorite pair of jeans. Whatever your goals are make sure you can asses your progress.

Be healthy folks. Don’t try any magic pills that you think will do everything will little to no work involved and remember health takes time and eventually becomes a lifestyle. Set up bench marks to your ultimate goal. If your goal is to run a mile in 7 minutes and you currently run them in 15 minutes work with that. In 2 weeks I want to run it in 13, in another 2 weeks 11, in another 9 and another 7. Progress is key. Its those little victories that will keep you going. And don’t get discouraged if you have a relapse, everyone has off days. Just shake it off and work thru it.

Your plan should include fitness and nutrition. Keyword: AND! So if you’re getting ready for a bodybuilding competition set up a work out regiment and diet plan.. Remember that your plan is continuous even once you’ve reached your goals, because then you have to MAINTAIN!

Once you’ve completed the 3 steps above, its time to do work. Anyone can say they’re going to do it, but few actually do. Don’t make excuses for yourself and put other things before your goals. Sure you’re tired but take a BetaNOX and get over it. That’s what I do! And if you find a good partner, push each other to pass your limits and push thru the pain. You train like there is no other way to train and
 that's BALLS TO THE WALL and you educate yourself in this arena of

Your Goals:
Now that you have this valuable info, set up your goals, timeline, and plans and tell me about it. You can even write to me on Facebook or Twitter and report your progress to me. I be there to push you Truth Army!

Hasta La Vista
The Truth

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