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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Truth on a 4 Week Quick Burn Program

Welcome back Truth Troops! Its officially 2011! For those of you that stayed true to your diets and worked out...congratulations! For those of you that partook in the holiday eating and drinking its ok, just get yourself back on track. This blog will be great for all of you.

Today I am going to put together a small supplement guidance plan to help maintain and/or lose weight while doing so. There are going to be a couple things that you will need to buy to support this program.

1st. lets start with a multi vitamin so we can provide the body with the right amounts of minerals and vitamins needed to stay healthy.
2nd. Alc. Acety L carnitine is a amino acid that will help burn fat in conjuction with the others provided. I would recomend 1200 mg a day.
3rd. ALA this is a fatty acid found in the body that converts the glucose (blood sugar) into energy. It is also a anti-oxident that fights the bad chemicals in the body. Dosage is 600 mg a day.
4th. CLA another fatty acid that is high in fat burning qualities. Dosage is about 600 mg a day.
5th Caffeine is a great source of energy for you when taken in the morning 30-40 minutes before training . 200-400 mg a day. (If sensitive to stimulants then dont use at all)

6th . Green tea extract. This a great product for energy and speeds up your body's metabolism which in turn will cause quicker resonses to losing that unwanted weight. Dosage about 200-400mg a day.
I would follow this for about 4 weeks and then taper off and try something new. This little advice will help you lose some of that weight on your droppy lose ass and flabby gut if needed. A proper diet will also be needed and of course bringing yourslef to the gym and working your self out.

Remember there are NO magic pills that will do everything! Stay strong and start the year off right!

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