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Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Truth On My New Years Resolutions

I've been talking a lot about goals and resolutions for this new year, so I decided to make a few of my own and share them with you. 

1. Tell nothing but the brutal truth and nothing but the truth!

2. Take first in the Masters this year at the Southern States in my weight class. I places 2nd last year.

3. Place in the top 5 in the country at the Masters Nationals in my weight class. I placed 9th last year.

4. This one the bodybuilders will understand...I want to bring in my glute hamstring tie in so they are shredded when I turn around.

5. Help everyone understand that there is more to bodybuilding than just what they see in the magazines. That includes educating the masses with new ideas and training techiniques.

6. Advise my followers of the best way to use supplements;  which ones to take and when to use them, etc.

7. Once again shake Arnolds hand at the Arnold but this time not get smushed by his security team while doing so! (got mugged several years back trying to shake his hand at my booth.)

8. Train with the King of the hardcore Dorian Yates just once in my life time and listen to the legend himself.

9. Not lose anymore hair off my head from stress! haha

10. Stay physically and mentally strong no matter what I face ahead of me.

Lets rock this new year Truth Army!

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