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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Truth on Woman at the Gym

As you know by now I like to people watch. And being at the gym you see all the colors of the rainbow. Today I'm calling out the woman characters I see while I train. I've talked enough crap about the men I see now its time to put the ladies on the hot seat!

We all know the following types of women that join the gym:


She is the older, well off and established woman who dresses real nice in the gym. Her makeup is perfect and has bling bling showing. This is the woman who walks around looking at and stalking the younger man who are in good shape. They might as well have a sign stuck to their foreheads that read COME GET ME! Don't worry boys...she will! This woman barely sweats and her main concern is to score a younger man that she can be seen outside the gym with and say HEY look at me....! Probably a midlife crisis! 


Theses girls wear little to nothing and dance around the gym, bouncing up and down as if shes performing on a stripper pole for $$$. Don't get me wrong I love looking at beautifull woman like everyone else but there is a time and place for everything.  The gym is my sanctuary and my second home, when I enter I am going to work not fall off the treadmill looking at these girls bending and swinging from machine to machine. Needless to say they take up get out of the way and go into the spin class or something where you can put all this time and effort to work. 


This is the helpless "can you teach me?" girl. Sure... for a fee lady! I have no problem answering a question here and there, but THIS type of lady can be tricky. You feel you have done a good deed right? Wrong! Now you have opened up the door for every question and thought they could possibly have until you put your foot down. I had an incident where I literally told people here is the price now leave me alone! Just like that! Call me an asshole or whatever but my time is valuable.


Or wannabe type that stands next to you and tries to match your weights pound for pound. What the hell? Get on with your workout and go enter some show then come see me and we can talk.

This should cover most of the woman that come and go to the gym that are out of the ordinary. The normal woman don't bother me, they come and go like everyone else. They come to get a workout and then go home and live a so called normal life, being physically fit while doing so. The woman I mention in this blog give the good ones a bad rep. 

What have been your experiences with these outlandish women? Are you the prey of any of the Cougars out there? Until next time push like there is no limit in the gym and you will see results.

The Truth

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Truth on the Art of Dieting

This word should bring chills down your arms or a shitty feeling in your stomach, if you do it the right way. 

The only way to diet is to go all out! No pansy bullshit cutting corners and using every excuse in the book to avoid it. I love the people who do this and still tell everyone they are on a diet. DONT BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! These are the people who say they are dieting and order a salad while out and then act like the dressing is not a big deal. Little do they know (or do know and ignore it) the dressing is loaded with wonderful fats and unwanted calories.

In my world, after 2 weeks of suffering, (because this is really what you are doing to yourself by taking away things that smell and taste good), all the foods taste the same as you swallow them down. The food is then used as energy and fuel, this is the sole purpose of eating clean and as frequent as I do. This now becomes a science as you force down that plain talapia or chicken. I usually just swoosh it around with whatever crystal light I am drinking so it goes down faster with less pain. Sometimes its hard to eat all the food on the agenda and you have to really concentrate on getting it done. Same goes for you, remember to eat frequently throughout the day and eat clean.

Think about it this way with the diet I use. It's totally the opposite of what you are taught to do. I eat more carbs, protein and lose weight while the general public is brain washed to believe the less you eat the faster you will lose weight. Wrong! Not all bodies are created equal sorry to tell everyone. What might work for one might not work for another.

Lets also squash this idea that there are pills to speed up the weight lose process. Get off your asses and work a little harder! There is no magic pill to knock off all that weight and keep it off without hard work and motivation to do so. There are things that can help but without the other components pills won't work. 

So in a brief recap this is what you need to create a masterpiece: 
1. Hard work
2. Eat Clean3. Motivation
4. No magic pills

That's how its done!

The Truth

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Truth on 7 Items in a Hardcore Gym Bag

Top 7 important things that should be in a hardcore gym bag:

1. Most important to me is my iPod! You have to have your own music to jam to while you're pushing that weight hot and heavy. The shit thats plays in most gyms is enough to put you to sleep and if you train as early as I do. You need Metallica, Rick Ross, and Eminem. Wake up people! This is a damn Gym you're walking into! This is my playground so if you want to play...these are the rules.

2. Wrist wraps, knee wraps, and elbow wraps. You'll need this stuff if you've been in this as long as I have. Your body starts to make noises and cringes as you push that heavy weight around. NOT GOOD! Do yourself a favor and get these wraps.

3. A good post workout/during workout supplement to sip while you're training to replenish the body while under fire.

4. Definitely a towel of some sort because whether if you're a heifer or a twig, you will sweat! So clean up after yourself please!

5. Notebook. This is a bible for some and has every workout from the day they first entered the gym until the day they fall down or disappear. It's the holy grail to many. It tells them their previous moods, how they felt after they have done their sets, what weights they have used and their body weight at that time. Some runners use iPod and iPhone apps to track their runs for the same purpose. It tells them how far they run, their pace, calories they burn and show a map of where they've gone. Both are great ways to go back and reflect and see your progression.

6. Chalk in a little container. This is for the hardcore and they know it! Heavy deadlifts, heavy bench, etc. If you can find a gym now-a-days that will allow you to use it you're in luck. Most guys make a mess and it gets all over and then all the little pus__s cry to the front desk and that gimmick is done. Years and years ago this was common practice in my gym and that's why I trained there. Because the atmosphere was REAL not some made up place with stickers and door clings showing smiling people losing weight as they do it! Hell no! The people's faces should be grimacing in pain if they are really working!! No pain no gain!

7. Finally a little hidden stash in your bag of some kind of candy bar or nutrition bar that's high in sugar in case you start to feel like you're going to pass out and your sugar levels are crashing. Reach in and eat this for that little pick up to save your ass from crashing to the floor and passing out.

What are your must-haves for your gym bag? Are my top 7 in your gym bag? Let me know.

The Truth

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Truth on Forearms

I love the old Popeye cartoons. He was the man when it came to FOREARMS. Popeye would grab onto his girl Olive Oil and his giant forearms would be popping out of the TV while I sat there watching and wondering how the hell could I get big forearms like him. Spinach..thats it? Go run into the kitchen and cook up some spinach like he eats and it will do wonders.  Yeah ass spinach! I tried it as a little boy and the only thing I got was a seat on the toilet with a stomach ache. Enough of what the government and TV want you to believe. It takes hard work and dedication to get forearms like Popeye, lets admit it. Here are some ideas and exercises that work for me.

1st Grab a bench and sit at the end of it. Reach down and grab a barbell loaded with some weight (I usually start with 25lbs on each side). Take your forearms and run them flush onto the bench between your legs with your hands hanging off the bench holding the barbell losely. Now lower the weight in your hands as it rolls down to a full extension and then bend your hand back up. Kind of like a yoyo but a hell of a lot harder. Do this 15-20 times squeezing the forearms tight as you bring the weight up and down hanging your hands slightly off the bench while doing so. The pump should be so hard that your forearms will feel like they are going to pop. Repeat this for 3 sets and then continue to exercise number 2.
2nd This one is somewhat similar to the last exercise but you are grabbing the barbell over the top of the bar instead of holding it directly in your palms and rotating it upward instead of downward. In a nut shell just the opposite of exercise 1. The object again is tension and squeezing the muscle you are using. Repeat this exercise 3x as above for reps of 15 to 20. If the weight becomes to heavy then lower the poundage but perform the sets.
3rd Here is one of the oldest ways we use to perform forearms and still works to this day in many gyms all over. There will be a handle with a rope on it and weights attached at the end where you can add or take off plates . You will be in a standing position as you take the rope and slowly wind it up using your forearms and the goal is to bring it to a complete stop. The pain will be insane and the pump is dramatic but the best. This exercise is for the hardcore! Not the weak minded pussy cats (we'll use this to be polite) over at Planet FATASS.

Let me know how this goes truth troops. Until next time...

The Truth

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Truth on Waximaize

Welcome everyone, its that time again. Lets talk about Waximaize powder and the way that I use it. First lets discuss what it is... Waximaize is a modified corn starch that has a super fast absorption rate which is awesome if you're trying to get the whole serving into your bloodstream without it being diluted in the stomach and digested as some other supplements do. Not waxy, due to its low osmolarity this allows it to enter straight into the blood stream and by passing the gi tract of the stomach where it would normally lose some potency. 

I use 1 scoop which is about 45g of carbs 30 minutes before I train. This gives me that nice energy flow and giant pump feeling as I exercise and push out those reps. My chest especially feels this pump on chest days and the extra blood flow caused by it allows more visible veins to pop up threw the skin and give that nice full feeling. What is happening is the glycogen levels are being filled up causing the muscle bellys to get pumped and allow you to get that SWOLE ON!

The second time you should use it is about 30 minutes after you train so your muscle bellys can be replenished and the glycogen levels that were used up during that hard training can be filled up and swole again. 

The great thing about this product also is that it acts like a sponge and absorbs all other products with it if you ingest them at the same time. So let say you slap in some preworkout powder it will push the powder in with the waxy casuing a hell of a rush while training. I personally dont like mixing it with protein powder right after you train but a lot of guys do, so the body can get fed extremely quick during the process of delivering the waxy to your body. For beginners or experienced bodybuilders, if you haven't used this product yet you're missing out and should make this part of your arsenal each and every time!

Do you use Waximaize? If you do or have tried it, tell me what you think.

The Truth

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Truth's Visit to Planet Fatness

By now you should all know how I feel about Planet Fatness and their ridiculous lunk alarm! What you don't know is that I went there once in a time of desperate need because my gym's power went out. Here's what happened:

Have you ever gone to this gym? If so tell me what you think.

The Truth

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Truth on New Whey II

Here's a little product knowledge about one of my favorite supplements out there right now, New Whey Liquid Protein.

Stop by your local Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, or 7/11 and pick one up! Enjoy your protein kids! And tell me what you think....

The Truth