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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Truth on Organic Food

Organic food seems to be the big thing as we move ahead in time. I think they are great and wonderful for us to eat but really how many of us hard working middle class slouches have the money they charge to buy organic carrots  or organic eggs, organic lettuce. Shit with Obama raising taxes on everything how are we, especially going to afford Organic anything? Now back to why Organic is good…

Here’s the definition of Organic, here we go:

“In reference to the guidelines of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), when we say organic foods, it pertains to any 100% organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals given no growth hormones, and to all plants and vegetables produced without using synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, and fertilizers made with ionizing radiation or bioengineering.” [] According to this same article, organic produce has more nutrients than produce from none organically farmed animals, fruits and vegetables. It also claims that Danish research has shown that the pesticides used are linked to heart disease and cancer.

In a nut shell organic is great and better for all of us in the long run but who the hell can afford it? I will just eat my eggs the way I have always eaten them drink my steroid induced cow milk and cook up my biologically changed and altered chickens. My key to growth is not for everyone! I am sure I have followers who agree! Following me is not for the weak and as Dave Polumbo says, "this is where the Big people Dwell". Thanks for the quote Dave I hope you don't mind!

What do you think Truth Army? Do you eat organic or not? Let me know and your reasons for doing so. Until next time…

The Truth

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