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Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Truth on Clowns at the Gym

Todays blog is about clowns I see at the gym on a regular basis.  I would be willing to bet anyone who has been in the gym or near the gym can relate to this about the guy who thinks he is the incredible SWOLLEN man! This guy we all know and love to watch. He is the clown of the whole gym and doesnt even know it. Let me describe him for you. He will strut threw the front door and then proceed to make sure someone is looking at him as he slowly walks to the machine or mirror. His chest is pumped out real high as if someone kicked him in the gut. This so called chest is well out in front of him so much that it hurts to watch him do this. I just want to come over and crack the idiot in the back causing him to deflate back to the little man that he really is. 

Ok ok, so he then proceeds to lay on the bench press and warm up with normal weight for someone his size and starts grunting and moaning as he'e bench pressing 1000 lbs! The guy will get up and look around again and see what or who is looking at him causing his ego to swell larger than life. Really? Come on guy! Everyone is looking at your stupid ass moaning with that pu--y weight you just pressed. Everyone is also looking at your brother's size small tshirt you have on skin tight over your fat rolls pushing out the sides. 

Then there is the other guy who comes to the gym walking with his arms out trying to flex his back as he goes. This guy is also a CLOWN! From behind there is so much space between his arms and his body the guy could catch a burst of air and fly into the sky like a glider. Up, up and away asshole! Goodbye! Kind of like the fat chick in Willy Wanka who blew away. These people irk me! Why can't they just come to the gym get their workout on and be real. Whoever the hell told these people they look good has to be smoking crack. 

Then last but not least is the guy who is constantly looking at himself in the mirror. We will call him PRETTY BOY. Pretty boy is the 20 something year old who gets a little definition on his body before going to the beach and has to look in the mirror for every set, every rep, and every time he moves an inch. We all know this guy, you're lying if you say you don't...actually if you say you don't...its probably you! 

Sometimes seeing these people is better than going to the mall and watching all the weirdoes. Instead you can just do your cardio and have free pass to the circus!!! Tell me about the clowns at your gym. I've probably seen them myself.

The Truth

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Truth On How To Grow

You have to constantly change up your workouts and weights all the time so your body doesn't become use to the exercise regiment you practice. If you keep it the same you may experience a plateau on what you are trying to achieve. 

Lets say for the last 4 weeks you have been doing the same old chest routine. You start with flat bench then go to the incline bench and then end with flys. If you continue this routine over and over the mind and body become complacent and don't work to the point of failure or push past that barrier needed to grow! 

Try doing this as an example to the above. Go to the flat bench and this time lets say instead of starting light and then working your way up to the heaviest you can do reverse the exercise! Start out heavy and then end off light with a crazy high repititions to push that blood up into the chest area. I guarantee that if you do this on and off a couple times your pump will be huge! 

Another way to overcome the plateau is by changing the rep sequence you're doing. Lets say you normally do repetitions of 8-10. This time do 15-18 and use a weight that you can handle. There is no need to be superman in the gym and barely push the weights up and instead your partner is doing back while spotting your dumb ass. (We will talk later about those damn asses I am referring to and who they are again later.) 

A 3rd way of doing these exercises but giving them a slight change is to do them in different sequnces each time you perform chest. This time you might start chest with flys, then do flat press, and finish with inclines. There is no golden rule written that you have to follow the same exercises each time to grow! I know a lot of people don't like change in their lives but in this instance it is a plus to do so! The mind and body are very powerful and we can overcome a lot of obstacles thrown their way, so you have to continue to challenge your mind and your body. THATS IF YOU WANT TO BE LIKE ME SOMEDAY OR ELSE YOU CAN STAY A P_ _ SY AND WEAR A SMALL TSHIRT!!

Tell me what you think on Facebook or leave me a comment right here on blogger. Let me know how you like to change it up and the success stories you may have pushing past a plateau. And if you know any of those dumb asses I was talking about, tell me about that too. 

The Truth

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Truth on Recipes II

Hello again. As promised after the fantastic feedback I got from last weeks recipe, here's another:

New Whey Nutrition No Bake Choco-rounds

1/2 cup Peanut Butter
1/2 cup Honey
1 1/2 cup Nonfat Dry Milk Solids
1/4 cup Cocoa
1 scoop of Belgian Chocolate Multi Pro Whey Isolate
2 cup Rolled Oats
1/4 cup Chopped Peanuts, optional
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract

Mix ingredients. Shape into balls. Set in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
Makes 2 Dozen Cookie Balls.

Simple right? Let me know how it goes. Also don't forget to check out my website.

The Truth

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Truth on The Arnold Classic 2011 Predictions

As everyone knows, I'm a huge fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger and respect him for paving the way for bodybuilders. He hosts the Arnold Sports Festival and Expo which always ends with one of my favorite competitions, The Arnold Classic. I go every year, check out some of my youtube videos for stories about the Arnold and who I've met over the years. But anyway, every year I like to make my predictions, as to who will when and how the top 6 place.

These were my predictions for the Arnold Classic 2011, which I also posted on my facebook page:
1. Victor Martinez
2. Branch Warren
3. Dexter Jackson
4. Ronnie Rockel
5. Evan Centropani
6. Dennis Wolf

The actual winners were as follows:
1. Branch Warren- Taking home a Grand Prize of $130,000 and the GLORY!
2. Dennis Wolf- Also got Most Entertaining Poses Award
3. Victor Martinez
4. Evan Centropani
5. Dexter Jackson
6. Ronnie Rockel

My picks were all over the board, but shit I had the right people just in the wrong place... As for, Branch, he is  well deserving and the hardest working guy in bodybuilding! I love him and am glad he won.

The Truth

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Truth on Why I Body Build

I would like to talk about the questions I get asked the most by most people I meet. They ask me, "Why do you lift weights and compete?", "Why do you torture yourself by not eating what you want?", "Do you make money doing this?". These are good questions but If I felt they were truely honest from the heart I wouldn't laugh about it! This is ignorance on most people asking becuase they are just being assholes about it and are lazy AND CANT TRAIN THEMSELVES. Here are the reasons why I am a body builder and what is a bodybuilder to me?
1. I train every morning at 5am religously becuase it starts my day off right and gets the blood flowing. Its kind of like brushing your teeth everyday, if you miss it your mouth smells like shit and you know its because you didnt brush! So needless to say I train everyday due to that energy flow needed that I get from doing this to start my day out!

2. I train hard and heavy with weights, due to that adrenalin rush I get when grabbing a 120lb dumbell and pressing it out for 10 or so reps knowing in my mind that I have just overcome something a lot of people can't do or will ever do!  That feeling of adrenalin allows me to release stress and aggravation from the day before at work, etc. I focus this anger and use it as motivation to push onward and channel this into a massive amount of strength towrd the weights!  Trust me you'll feel 100% better in the afternoon if you do this. This will also prevent you from going to jail if someone decides to cut you off while driving to work and you happen to spill coffee on yourself while driving. Take it from me, I am one of these people who in the past would have thrown my coffe cup at you if you cut me off and I caught up to you!
3. I dont train for money, prizes, or trophies! I train for the love of the sport and the overall feeling I get when I accomplish a show I have been training for. This sport is all about you and no one else. You can't blame your teammate if something goes wrong. If you loose, most of the time its due to you not being prepared. When you walk out onto that stage and look out into the crowd you can't hide behind anyone because its too late. Its you and the music and your mind! Be prepared to do battle. If you give it 100% you will be rewarded. Maybe not always 1st place but mentally you should be rewarded for the long hard road you have overcome. For everyone out there who reads this and knows what this feeling is, you are my brothers and to those that haven't taken this walk then you will never know this feeling.
4. I love this one: "How much do you bench?". I answer it with "I AM A BODYBUILDER NOT A WEIGHT LIFTER......duh!". Then I usually get looked at with a blank stare. Well I might lift weights but I use this to build a better body, kind of like a painter when he paints a picture. You will go sroke for stroke with a brush each time painting to get a better end result and piece of art. This is the same thing with weights, day by day as I get closer to the show date I bring a differnt approach each time, tightening the body up bringing out more vascularity and hardness. When the final day comes I look into the mirror and Bang! I have become a bodybuilder. And I do it with hard work and dedication not weights. 
5. "Why do you lift weights?" is another one.  I answer with "Why do you play golf?" or "...bowl?" or " baseball?". Because I love too! Now stop asking me this shit! Especially from people who have known me for years! Yes the eating part sucks, but after the first 2 weeks down the hatch every sweet potato and chicken taste the same. Blah! But I tell myself the food is just for energy, not pleasure, and flip the gears on my mind. You will find as you go on, it will get a little easier. If not then you're a little girl and need to go play golf or tennis.
6. Not everyone can be a bodybuilder but EVERYONE can lift weights. I encourage you to do so, and exercise as much as possible. But for us bodybuilders, it's a world most will never understand.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Truth on Recipes

Hey there Truth Army. People ask me a lot about protein powders and shakes. But what a lot of you don't know is that protein powder can be used in many different ways. So today I'm going to give you a recipe using New Whey Nutrition's Multi Pro Whey Isolate Protein.

Vanilla Cinnamon Oven-Dried Apple Slices

2 tbs. Lemon Juice
2 tbs. Water
2 tsp. Mild Curry
1 Full Scoop of Vanilla Cinnamon Multi Pro Whey Isolate
1 cup Applesauce
1 tbs. Light Margarine
8 Granny Smith Apples, Cored

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Stir lemon juice with water and curry until smooth. Slice cored apples very thinly, then brush with curry mixture. Spread apple in a single layer on baking trays. Mix Vanilla Cinnamon, applesauce and margarine, then spread in apples. Bake in oven for 45 minutes, turning occasionally, until crisp and light brown. Cool to room temperature.

This is just one very simple and great way to use Multi Pro Whey Isolate. I'll have more recipes coming to you next week. For now I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do.

The Truth

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Truth on New Whey

Check out this video from New Whey Nutrition about New Whey Liquid Protein. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Truth's Flex Pro Invitational Predictions for 2011

My top 5 predictions for the Flex Pro Invitational in Santa Monica, CA were:

1st Dexter Jackson 
2nd Dennis Wolf
3rd Evan Centopani
4th Ben White
5th Fouah Abiad

The Results were as follows:

1st Evan Centopani
2nd Dexter Jackson
3rd Fouad Abiad
4th Dennis Wolf
5th Ben Pakulski

It was an upset. Evan deserved it I just hope this doesn't put Dexter into retirement. Dexter in a hero and this guy came and crushed him. I want Dexter to keep going and win at the Arnold. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Truth's Top 10 Favorite Bodybuilders of All Time

1. The godfather of bringing that heavy grainy muscular look onto the stage that we weren’t use to seeing at that time and one of my idols...DORIAN YATES BLOOD AND GUTS VIDEO BABY WATCH IT!!! For all you pussies who think you’re hardcore, tune into this and you will really see hardcore training at its best!

2. Flex wheeler. You got to love Flex Wheelers overall physique he brought to the stage. His small waist and broad shoulders are one of the best ever in the business. I think he got robbed in I think it was 1996 against Coleman. But whatever he is still the man and is always a nice guy whenever we meet.

3. Kevin Levrone, another old time beast! Great shoulders and one of the best sets of arms in the business! Thumbs up to him coming out to Rage Against The Machine at the British Grand Prix bodybuilding show. (One of the greatest shows ever. Look it up on google and you will see why I say this.)

4. Lee priest. One for the short guys…like me. 504 lb. monster in his own time. Lee you were the best brother! Superman all the way!

5. ARNOLD. We all know why. If it weren’t for the Governor we probably wouldn’t be where we are today with the whole bodybuilding thing!! He is the real FATHER OF BODYBUILDING.

6. Ronnie Coleman. How can anyone argue about him. Ronnie was a monster, always trained hard and heavy and brought it to the stage each and every time.

7.  Jay Cutler, the Mr. Olympia at this time and deserves it. Jay is the poster child for the Mr. Olympia title and everything about it. Squeaky clean image and you couldn’t ask for a better spokesman for the sport.

8. One of my favorites Dexter Jackson. You got to love him. He has survived amongst the monsters with his razor hard physique and fitness for all these years. Dexter is a nice guy and I personally have had the pleasure of competing in his shows and won several times. He is a class act plus a local Florida guy. Thumbs up brother to you!

9. Lee Labrada. He was also a great inspiration to me at my early years due to his status in height but always brought that tight hard look with great tie-ins each and every time. Lee if there was a 202 class back in the day you would of been fine but when you had to face off against the like of Lee Haney, Mike Christian, etc. you were in the land of giants.

10. Branch Warren. Trains like a monster, eats like a monster and is veiny and vascular like no other. Plus he is one of the strongest bodybuilders you will ever see. How the hell a man rips not one tricep but two, off the bone and comes back stronger than before is beyond me!! How the hell did he do this!! Branch also plays some hardcore music to his routines on stage which kick ass.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Truth on Diet Plans

Over the years of bodybuilding and nutrition (24 yrs) I have gained a great wealth of knowledge from other Distinct Trainers and nutritionists along with my own personal trials and errors. I have trained many woman and men all ages for about 10-15 years now. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns in helping you get your life back into the shape that it needs to be. You will be much happier with your self once you gain control of your diet and training. The services I provide are 10-12 week diet plans, training routines and personal training one on one if you’re ever in my area. Please email me to get pricing and arrangements.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Truth on Arnold Schwarzenegger

Out of respect for Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Arnold Sports Festival and Expo, this week blogs will be a tribute to him. Enjoy.