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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Truth on Triceps

Here's an instructional video on triceps for those of you that don't have time to make it to the gym. This 3 minute video will show you exercises you can do on your lunch break. 

The Truth

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Truth on the George Foreman Grill

Today's blog is about having the right tools for success, one of my favorite's being the George Foreman Grill. 

Now that you've watched it, tell me what you think. How do you use your Foreman Grill? And what are some of your favorite tools?

The Truth

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Truth on Bodybuilding Heros

The events and actions are real and aren’t make believe! Believe that!! I would like to start off with taking everyone back to my roots of Bodybuilding back when I was a little kid around the age of 16 or so, growing up in NY. My very first gym I trained at was a hardcore gym I think I mentioned before called Power Body And Fitness located about 1 hour outside the city in a small suburb called Beacon. This was the perfect hole in the wall where I learned everything about the art of bodybuilding and we had all kinds of guys training in there with me. Each year a bunch of us would take a train into the city to see the one time famous show thrown in New York City at the Beacon Hotel called The Night Of Champions. This was one of the greatest pro shows thrown at the time, where the likes of Rich Gaspari, Gary Strydom, Mike Ashley, Mike Chrisitianson and the great Lee Haney, etc. competed for a prize and the coveted title.

On the way to the show we would attend a seminar put on by the local World Gym in Westchester for a fee, which included guest speakers and an autograph picture session with some of our favorite bodybuilders at that time. They would discuss nutrition, weight lifting techniques and all that good stuff. One of my favorite guys was there with his girlfriend and I will never forget this moment I approached him and asked for a picture and autograph. I don’t know if he was carb depleted or just a dick but he kind of shunned me off and claimed he didn’t have time. WOW here is my idol and favorite bodybuilder at the time and he’s blowing me right out of the water (needless to say I won’t name him due to him owning a supplement company and I’m now friends with him) but damn he really deflated my bubble. So the smart ass that I am, I told him forget it (used different words I wont repeat) and pulled out my camera and thought of another great idea! I took a picture of his hot girlfriend’s GLUTEUS MAXIMAS area in her tight outfit. What the hell….that’s a better picture anyway, right? So I did it and got him fired up and he sure as hell paid attention to me then. He even tried to grab my camera from me as I hurried out the door of the gym and buddied up next to one of the local cops paid to do security at the event. Funny he couldn’t do shit as we flicked him off and jumped into the next cab to take us back to the train station and continue on our journey to the Night of Champions show, the next day!  What a story but needless to say he isn’t my favorite bodybuilder anymore to this day....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Truth on The Pause and Hold Method

Here is a great new twist to add into any workout style. I call this the pause and hold method. The object is to hold the weight in the position your fished in for about 5-6 seconds then releasing it back to the start. Lets start with an easy example Biceps.

You will perform 3 sets of one arm curls for 10 reps. You will begin by bringing the bicep up to the curl position and then hold it tense for 5 seconds and then release, causing great tension on the muscle fibers, and lowering it back down. Repeat this for 10 reps and squeeze hard.

The second exercise is the preacher curl lying down on a bench with the curl bar hooked up to a cable. Slowly bring the bar down to your forehead and pause the rep at the bottom squeezing once again for about 5 seconds hold it then release it and start all over again for 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Third and last exercise would be the hammer curl for that long head on the biceps. Same idea as above, bringing the weight up to the top holding it at the peak contractions and squeezing it for the 5-6 seconds and then release and start all over again. Do this for 3 sets. Remember its not the amount of weight you use here its the squeeze and pump involved is what we want to accomplish.

This pause and hold method can be used in any exercise you want to use it with. Chest, legs, back etc.  I would only incorporate this into my workout maybe once or twice a month. Its a great little added bonus that will shock your body if done correctly and performed all out. Your body will and should feel like it’s going to pop. Try it you’ll love it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Truth on High Fiber Foods

Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. Now take that chocolate out of your mouth and lets get back into nutrition! About a week ago someone posted on my Kevin_TheTruth Facebook Page asking me diet questions on high fiber and high protein breakfast meals. It inspired me to write to all of you about the top 10 high fiber foods you want in your diet.

Here it is:

1. Beans
2. Avocado
3. Bran Cereal
4. Oats
5. Broccoli
6. Brown Rice
7. Grapefruit
8. Flax seed
9. Whole Wheat Pasta
10. Apples

I just want to add that Fiber keeps you regular and flushes the body of toxins. This is important now-a-days because of all the crap people eat. If you have too much fiber, that may cause the opposite affect, constapation. You should be having 20g to 25g of fiber per day (based on a 2,000 calorie diet). Also be sure to drink plenty of water.

In addition to this list you can always throw in some Benifiber into your Crystal Light or mix it into sauces when you cook. Hope this helps! Send me questions to my twitter and facebook account and I'll take some time out to answer them. 

-The Truth

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Truth on the Jersey Shore

As you all know, I'm from up North and I know a thing or two about the Jersey Shore. Not like these clowns on TV.

Take a look at this video to get an idea of what I think about them. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Truth on Gym Music

This is one of the most important parts of your gym area. MUSIC!!! This will and can set the tempo of your training and anyone who says no is full of shit or hasn't been training long enough to appreciate this. If you are down it can lift you up, if your tired it will and can push you past that point needed to do another rep or finish your workouts. I use my little ipod everytime I go into the gym even with my partners there. I keep one ear on and the other ear out until its time for my set then its full blown in both!! Below are 10 of my kick ass songs that get me up and ready at 5:00 am while most people are sleeping or thinking about training.

Here's my top 10 list:
1. Rage agaisnt the machine- (pretty much anything by them kicks ass) Freedom
2. Cyprus Hill- Rock star
3. Godsmack- Cryin like a bitch
4. Eminem- The way I am
5. Marilyn Manson- The beutiful people
6. Rick Ross- Huslin
7.  Metallica- Wherever I may roam
8. Iron maiden- Trooper
9. Motley Crue- Shout at the devil
10.Danzig- Mother

The Truth

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Truth on Fatburners

Fatburners! The question of the century by everyone folks…DO THEY WORK???? Well lets go way, way back in time. Back when I was a youngster, trying to learn and experimenting with all this stuff wondering what the hell works and what doesn’t. The most famous stack that we as bodybuilders and others in the history of this field experimented was the good old ECA stack. This worked well let me tell you. Simple, affordable, and effective. I would buy a 200mg caffeine bottle, a thing of aspirin and then the ingredient of choice Ephedrine. You would mix the 3 together in these dosages 2x a day and what a hell of a burn would you get. Sweet like no other and nice flow of energy. 200mg caffeine stacked with 25mg of ephedrine and a pill of aspirin. The famous underground guru who passed away (correct me if I am wrong) formulated this combo. The synergistic properties of all 3 together were needed to really get the most out of the stack. Everyone used this back then and some people still do, the only draw back is the crash when you come down sucks. For weight loss its an excellent stack to get the body’s generators burning and turn that metabolism on.

Now we have Jacked 3D , 1MR, BetaNOX, Hydroxycut, etc. A little more advanced on the ingredient side but all trying to accomplish the same goal; to be a pre-workout/weight loss formula. I will tell you this I use the 1MR because of the fact that I don’t need to take 3-4 scoops to get a feeling like some brands I wont call out at this time. I use this product in the morning at 5:00 am to get my blood flowing and body up and ready to kick ass in the gym. Second I use the betanox liquid at around 1:00 pm to keep focused and awake after that big lunch in the middle of my day. The beatnox can be used as a preworkout also but I like it as a little wake up call with the combo of the AKG, Caffeine and Beta Alanine. No worries about the tingling feeling it will go away in about 15 -20 minutes and then I am focused for what I am doing with no crash. The caffeine is causing me to burn unwanted calories also. I personally feel that anything without caffeine or the new ingredients being used is a waste of money and bullshit. So I will end this the way I tell several clients and others who always are looking for that MAGIC PILL OR POWDER there is no substitute for handwork and eating right. These 2 will produce results maybe not as fast but they will work also. Especially if your broke and have no money...welcome to America baby!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Truth does Shake Time!

Over there in the Jersey Shore they've got T-Shirt time...I've got the world premiere of SHAKE TIME!