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Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Truth on Valentine's Day

Hello Truth Army. Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I'm sure you all want to be in tip top shape for what may ensue that night! Make sure you step it up, and work hard to get optimum results and show your significant other, just how much you care.

New Whey Nutrition is holding a Valentine's Day Video Contest to get you guys motivated to get your workout on. They know there are a ton of New Whey Liquid Protein lovers out there, so they want you, the people to make a short video of yourselves (not like that...) about why you love it so much. Below is a flyer with all the information. Good luck everyone! Can't wait to see your videos!

-The Truth

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Truth on Training with a Partner

Training with a partner, this is a giant step for mankind in the positive direction when training. If you have a good solid training partner then you have already gotten a step in the right direction! I can tell you this, when I was 16 years old, growing up in NY my kick ass partner for 2 years or so was a tuff nosed Irish, beer drinking, rugby player named Murph! Funny how many of us have a friend named Murph??? This guy was with me through thick and thin! In the rain, snow, sleet, etc. He never bailed! Every Sunday we would drag our asses into the Gym we trained at to do legs religiously. There were times we would puke due to the pain and weights we used back then. We would load the smith machine up on squats and it would bury us to the bottom and my partner would lift me back up and do it again!! These were the days of learning and establishing my presence in the gyms as a youngster growing up.

My point is that without this partner I wouldn't have been able to push myself to the point of no return without him. Your partner is an inspiration, an extension of you and your Passion for working out. If he isn’t like you, then you need to tell this P*ssy to take a hike! Your partner should be the guy who helps encourage you to push onward, not try to watch you fail and compete against you. To be there for you and vice versa. A soldier! IRON IS STRONG BUT YOU ARE STRONGER! Remember this mentally and you will win! (Mantal warfare is another topic we will discuss later.) I can’t tell you there is a disadvantage with having a partner unless he is weak and a basket case. All this will do is bring you down. If your partner is one of these pretty boy wannabe bodybuilders and always looking in the mirror to see if anyone is looking at him then ditch him! Unless you're a pretty boy Brad Pitt look alike too!

Do you guys have workout partners? Tell my why or why not. Tune in tomorrow for Truth Thursday!

The Truth

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Truth on Organic Food

Organic food seems to be the big thing as we move ahead in time. I think they are great and wonderful for us to eat but really how many of us hard working middle class slouches have the money they charge to buy organic carrots  or organic eggs, organic lettuce. Shit with Obama raising taxes on everything how are we, especially going to afford Organic anything? Now back to why Organic is good…

Here’s the definition of Organic, here we go:

“In reference to the guidelines of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), when we say organic foods, it pertains to any 100% organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals given no growth hormones, and to all plants and vegetables produced without using synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, and fertilizers made with ionizing radiation or bioengineering.” [] According to this same article, organic produce has more nutrients than produce from none organically farmed animals, fruits and vegetables. It also claims that Danish research has shown that the pesticides used are linked to heart disease and cancer.

In a nut shell organic is great and better for all of us in the long run but who the hell can afford it? I will just eat my eggs the way I have always eaten them drink my steroid induced cow milk and cook up my biologically changed and altered chickens. My key to growth is not for everyone! I am sure I have followers who agree! Following me is not for the weak and as Dave Polumbo says, "this is where the Big people Dwell". Thanks for the quote Dave I hope you don't mind!

What do you think Truth Army? Do you eat organic or not? Let me know and your reasons for doing so. Until next time…

The Truth

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Truth on Staying Motivated II

Whatever you have to do to stay on it! Here are some ideas you can try:

1. Write affirmations and put them on your refrigerator and around your house. When you get tempted to cheat these will get you to the gym. 

2. Remind yourself of your goals. Write them down and read them once a day. 

3. Look at pictures of what you want to look like. This can include old pictures of yourself or pictures of other people. 
*This is a picture my co-worker looks at every day to keep himself motivated. This is the body he wants, with his face on it. It sounds crazy but it works!

The Truth

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Truth on Giant Sets: Chest and Arms

Lets do a workout called Giant Sets! This is a rather difficult one to perform but is extremely useful when your workouts are going dull on you! I would perform 3 giant sets to start. This comprises of lining up 3 exercises in a row non stop for about
10-15 reps depending on what your goals are.


#1 Flat bench press dumbbell or barbell your choice. Take a weight that you can handle for about 10 reps and bang it out.
#2 Incline smith machine press same as above for 10 reps.

#3 Flat bench flies medium weight for 10reps.

Now bang this out all 3 exercises in a row and take about a minute break and start the procedure all over again. Do this 3
times and your chest will be on fire!!


#1 Standing dumbbell curl 10 reps.

#2 Preacher curl 10 reps

#3 Hammer dumbbell curls for 10 reps.

Take a minute rest and then start this all over again for 3 giant sets like above. These are just 2 ideas on how you can perform new exercises and change up your routines a little so you don't become bored or burnt out from the same old shit over and over again. Try to realize form and consistency in doing these exercises is the key to growing.

Let me know how it goes Troops.

The Truth

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Truth About Breakfast of Champions

An important rule of thumb: don't skip breakfast. I am sure
everyone has heard this by now but how many people do you know still do this? People assume by skipping meals you’ll eat less. Wrong this just means
you’ll snack more and then eat larger portions at the meals you do eat. Do me a favor and don’t assume because when you do…you make an ass of you and me!

These are simple but effective breakfast options to help start the day off right:

Egg whites
You want egg white rather than whole eggs because they are low in fat and high in protein. They contain 0 saturated fat and 0 cholesterol. The yolk itself has 4.5 g of fat 1.6 of which is saturated fat, and 210 mg of cholesterol.

Whole wheat toast

Like eggs whole wheat bread is also low in fat and cholesterol. Contain more nutrients than white bread such as Vitamin E, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, B Vitamins and fiber. Wheat is good but the best alternative to white bread is whole wheat bread.

Oatmeal (not the instant ones they are enhanced with sugar)

Its loaded with Fiber, protein, and nutrients including Vitamin E, Zinc, Copper, Iron, Selenium, and magnesium. You can have it with water or milk, which will add calcium to the mix.

Fruit contain natural sugar so if you’re going to have them the ideal time is in the morning. You can have berries, melon and lemon, kiwi and plums. Steer clear of bananas, pineapple, grapes, and dried fruit.

Cream of wheat

It’s low in calories, and high in calcium and other nutrients. You can find Copper, Magnesium, Folate, Thiamine, Niacin, Vitamin A, B6, Iron, Selenium, etc in a single serving.

I like starting the day with these foods because they are a simple and effective way of eating and will allow the body to respond in a positive way. You are giving it everything it needs from the moment you wake up, to feel good all day.

What are some of your favorite breakfast foods and why? I’m also interested in knowing how often you eat breakfast per week. Let me know and stay cool!

-The Truth

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Truth On My New Years Resolutions

I've been talking a lot about goals and resolutions for this new year, so I decided to make a few of my own and share them with you. 

1. Tell nothing but the brutal truth and nothing but the truth!

2. Take first in the Masters this year at the Southern States in my weight class. I places 2nd last year.

3. Place in the top 5 in the country at the Masters Nationals in my weight class. I placed 9th last year.

4. This one the bodybuilders will understand...I want to bring in my glute hamstring tie in so they are shredded when I turn around.

5. Help everyone understand that there is more to bodybuilding than just what they see in the magazines. That includes educating the masses with new ideas and training techiniques.

6. Advise my followers of the best way to use supplements;  which ones to take and when to use them, etc.

7. Once again shake Arnolds hand at the Arnold but this time not get smushed by his security team while doing so! (got mugged several years back trying to shake his hand at my booth.)

8. Train with the King of the hardcore Dorian Yates just once in my life time and listen to the legend himself.

9. Not lose anymore hair off my head from stress! haha

10. Stay physically and mentally strong no matter what I face ahead of me.

Lets rock this new year Truth Army!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Truth On Setting Goals

Here is something to think about as you take your training into the
 new year…set realistic goals!! Not some bullshit goals that you set
up for failure just to say I have goals. There are 4 steps I suggest you follow when setting up your new years resolutions and goals.

Set measurable goals:
When setting goals this new year you want to be able to measure your success, so if your goal is to lose weight, be specific and say I want to lose 10 pounds, or fit into my favorite pair of jeans. Whatever your goals are make sure you can asses your progress.

Be healthy folks. Don’t try any magic pills that you think will do everything will little to no work involved and remember health takes time and eventually becomes a lifestyle. Set up bench marks to your ultimate goal. If your goal is to run a mile in 7 minutes and you currently run them in 15 minutes work with that. In 2 weeks I want to run it in 13, in another 2 weeks 11, in another 9 and another 7. Progress is key. Its those little victories that will keep you going. And don’t get discouraged if you have a relapse, everyone has off days. Just shake it off and work thru it.

Your plan should include fitness and nutrition. Keyword: AND! So if you’re getting ready for a bodybuilding competition set up a work out regiment and diet plan.. Remember that your plan is continuous even once you’ve reached your goals, because then you have to MAINTAIN!

Once you’ve completed the 3 steps above, its time to do work. Anyone can say they’re going to do it, but few actually do. Don’t make excuses for yourself and put other things before your goals. Sure you’re tired but take a BetaNOX and get over it. That’s what I do! And if you find a good partner, push each other to pass your limits and push thru the pain. You train like there is no other way to train and
 that's BALLS TO THE WALL and you educate yourself in this arena of

Your Goals:
Now that you have this valuable info, set up your goals, timeline, and plans and tell me about it. You can even write to me on Facebook or Twitter and report your progress to me. I be there to push you Truth Army!

Hasta La Vista
The Truth

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Truth About Sugar

Sugar is the #1 enemy in gaining that unwanted weight. Sugar controls our insulin levels
and in turn is what helps determine how much fat our bodies store or burn away. People who have quick metabolisms can get away with eating sugar because a lot of the time it is used as a form of energy and burned off walking, lifting, etc. While others store it as ass fat or belly fat.

If you slowly start to cut your sugars out and use sweeteners you will notice a dramatic change in your body as you progress.

Be careful, eating fruits that have natural sugars can raise your insulin levels quickly. Watermelon, red apples, grapes are all high in natural sugar so be aware of this when eating them. If you are going to eat fruits, I would do so early in the morning so this allows your body to use the energy throughout the day. Avoid juices such as orange juice, apple juice, etc. They are very high in sugars and are sometime added to make your taste buds water over them.

Cereals are loaded with sugar….nuff said. And its not you’re your Captain Crunch, Apple Jacks, Cocoa Crispies, its also the high in fiber, “healthy” cereals. The kids all love these and this is another good reason why America is the land of the FAT! It all starts with the kids and then continues as we get older. And good for you for making a change, just make sure its not propaganda you are buying into and check the label.

Yogurt. Sounds great huh? Grabbing a parfait to be proactive can actually be worse than you think because of sugars. The best way to go would be low-fat Greek Yogurt.

Jellys...everyone likes jelly on their toast but it’s no good. How many people you know put just one
spoonfull on their toast? More like 2-3 which is at least 45 grams of sugar to
start your day…way too much!
All this sugar will do is give you a giant rush and then in an hour or
two your body will become tired and crash.

Watch what you drink! You already know you should stay away from Pepsi and Coke, or so I hope, but also we aware of the alternatives. Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea has 22 grams of sugar and if you get a 16 oz can its just as much as a soda. The way to go is Diet and Unsweetened Teas, Crystal Light, Diet Coke or good old H2O. Once in a while we give into our temptations but it doesn’t have to be as bad as you think. Next time you stop by a 7/11 look for the new Crystal Light Slurpee and enjoy without the unnecessary sugar.

This week read labels and be mindful or your sugar intake, and you’ll quickly realize how much sugar you’re having without even realizing it. Also let me know what foods you use to eat without realizing its high sugar content and what you’ve replaced it with since.

-The Truth

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Truth in a Rare Mood

Hey everyone! Here's another vid for you to enjoy. This is pretty much me all the time! HAHAHA

Have a great rest of the week!

The Truth

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Truth on Glutes

We’ll be working on our butts today! Here's a short video to get us started:


Sumos are one of the best ways to tighten up the ass area. Grab a dumbbell (fair amount of weight) and flip the dumbbell straight up and down, grabbing under the top of the dumbbell head. Slowly come down into a squatting position and bring the dumbbell down until it hits the floor with the other end then com back up. When you come to the top, squeeze your ass tight and then perform this exercise again. I would do 3-4 sets of a higher repetitions. Do 4 sets of 20-25. When your done doing these for a couple weeks you will be able to flap your ass checks like they do in those TO LIVE CREW VIDEOS back in the day!!!

Go over to the step machine and do 20-30 minutes of cardio/butt squeezing techniques. When you’re doing these exercises, concentrate on the glute area. With each step, make sure you squeeze. This will help tighten up under the glute/hamstring area. This is what I definitely need to work on since I got gigged at the nationals for not being tight enough. This will not be a problem this year when I go to the show!

Until next time Believe in yourself and you will be able to do anything you want! As always, I hope this helped and let me know if you have any questions.

The Truth

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Truth on a 4 Week Quick Burn Program

Welcome back Truth Troops! Its officially 2011! For those of you that stayed true to your diets and worked out...congratulations! For those of you that partook in the holiday eating and drinking its ok, just get yourself back on track. This blog will be great for all of you.

Today I am going to put together a small supplement guidance plan to help maintain and/or lose weight while doing so. There are going to be a couple things that you will need to buy to support this program.

1st. lets start with a multi vitamin so we can provide the body with the right amounts of minerals and vitamins needed to stay healthy.
2nd. Alc. Acety L carnitine is a amino acid that will help burn fat in conjuction with the others provided. I would recomend 1200 mg a day.
3rd. ALA this is a fatty acid found in the body that converts the glucose (blood sugar) into energy. It is also a anti-oxident that fights the bad chemicals in the body. Dosage is 600 mg a day.
4th. CLA another fatty acid that is high in fat burning qualities. Dosage is about 600 mg a day.
5th Caffeine is a great source of energy for you when taken in the morning 30-40 minutes before training . 200-400 mg a day. (If sensitive to stimulants then dont use at all)

6th . Green tea extract. This a great product for energy and speeds up your body's metabolism which in turn will cause quicker resonses to losing that unwanted weight. Dosage about 200-400mg a day.
I would follow this for about 4 weeks and then taper off and try something new. This little advice will help you lose some of that weight on your droppy lose ass and flabby gut if needed. A proper diet will also be needed and of course bringing yourslef to the gym and working your self out.

Remember there are NO magic pills that will do everything! Stay strong and start the year off right!